RFID - Time and Attendance Management System
RFID - Time and Attendance Management System
Time and attendance systems are used to track and monitor when employees enter and exit the organisation which enables an employer to monitor their employees working hours and late arrivals, early departures, time taken on breaks and absenteeism. It helps the employer to control labor costs by just paying only for the working ours. Modern automated time and attendance systems require employees to touch or swipe to identify themselves and record their working hours as they enter or leave the work area. Originally this consisted of using a RFID electronic tag or a barcode badge but these have been replaced by biometrics and touch screens devices to eliminate the chance of misusing the cards by exchanging with other persons. Use of Biometric system increases the employee accountability and boost him towards good professional conduct.

High Go provides the Biometric time and attendance management system that verifies human identity through fingerprints, faces retinal patterns, palm etc,.Fingerprint biometric has more advantages than other Biometrics. This system consists of a finger print module to capture the digital image of the finger print and create a template to match with fingerprint on a regular basis. The administrator will register the employee details for the first time by using staff registration module which is stored in the staff registration database. On a regular basis employee will give the finger print in staff sign in /sign out module which stores the date and time in the staff attendance database. This way the staff attendance will be consolidated which makes it easy to see the monthly attendance while preparing salary statements.